visual communication
VISC 302


  :: syllabus :: banned book list
:: p1: workbook :: p2 logotype :: p3: bookcovers :: p4: conference ::

Professor: Andrea Herstowski
Office: 317 Marvin Hall
Office hours: by appointment

Professor: Alex Anderson
Office: 317 Marvin Hall
Office hours: by appointment











LULU: Workbook project you need to be ready to send to LULU by April 9 to get it by the review without having to pay extra shipping. Wil go over how to send to LULU on April 9 in class.

Project 4: Conference
Your next challenge is to imagine, design and produce the materials for a 2-day conference on a topic based on any To give your conference line-up some seriousness you will use to identify at least 6 of the 8 speakers in your speaker line-up.

What is the big idea behind the conference?
Why would people want to attend?
Who would be the speakers?
Who would attend it?
When and where would it be held.

Look and Feel: The final solutions must be an organic/kinetic series. The audience shouldn’t be able resist your promotional piece, want to find out more AND want to go to your conference and keep the materials.

*Only restriction is it can’t be a Design conference. You can have a designer(s) speak but it can’t be the focus. What is a topic outside of Design that is interesting? 

Deliverables: Kinetic System (more detail later)
— Conference Name = Logo + tagline
— Poster 2 sided (back side = conference info + speaker name, bio, topic, date and time)
— Billboard
— City Banners (4-color)
— Name tags (3 different ones) (2-color)
— Tote bag (1-color)
— Animimated gif for Instagram (4-color) (animated gif)
— Speaker Bumper: animation intro on the big screen, 6 frames (4-color)

4-color means all colors (full color) it takes 4 colors (C, M, Y, K)

Printed materials due
— 24 x 36 (2 sided poster printed on the standing Epsons)

All due 9am May 9th (Review Day)
— Create a series of 13 x 19 pages to show off this project. Min 3 pages and max 6 pages.
— Post on Behance (include motion and gif)
— Process book designed as if you were taking it to an interview. Design it as you go.

Monday, April 2

— What are sound interesting. Concider at least 3 and pick 1.
__ What did you concider and what did you select. Why?
__ Watch at least 8 videos on the topic and pick your 6 - 8 speakers.
__ Also look at 1 - 3 written articles.
Write down ____key points ____phases ____words they use ____things they refer to.
— What is a common theme(s)/thread(s)? (you have to define at least 1)
— What 3 - 6 question(s) can be answered?
— What 6 questions that can be asked?
— From that what could be the arching/ big ideas about the conference?
** you may have to watch a couple of times. you need this list complete for your concept!
— Who are your 6 speakers?
__ Is there someone that is not a TED speaker that you would like to include? Can have 2.
— Use to identify at least your 4 or the 6 speakers.
** Make sure your speaker line-up is diverse in topic, perspective…

Present all the above on designed 8.5x11 pages. Printed out. B/W is fine. Be prepared to hand it in. Use as many pages as you need. Use a grid. Pick your typography. Use style sheets. Design it as if you where handing it in as proscess book if you do all your homework this way you will not have to spend so much tie putting your proecss book together at the end. Everything you do should always be designed.


You will get sidetracked on making something cool and not having a concept. Don’t look. Just think. :ook at the Watch TED talks. Read. Research. Brainstorm. What would be a cool conference in regards to CONTENT. IDEAS. You will make this project look cool but do not start there! It is dangerous to your future to image what you want it to look like first. Think first. Take your time to do the list above and you will have a great start.

Wednesday, April 4
- refine concepts in class
- have 3 key words that help with visuals
- work on phase 2 finish as homework.


PRINT OUT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING B/W or put a pdf on the server. THIS HOMEWORK SHOULD BE ORGANIZED AS IF YOU WHERE HANDING IT IN AS PROCESS BOOK. Use as many pages as you need. Use a grid. Use style sheets. It should be designed.

Develop Concept. Conference Name. Tagline.
This should take you several hours. SEVERAL HOURS (I get 9 hours of your life as homework, as per the national laws of this acredited program. That means Jeremy's class also gets 9 hours of your time) so don't think you can bang this out.

What was the tread(s) you found that could tie the 6 speakers together?
What were the questions you could ask?

Why do people go to conferences?
Why will they come to your conference?
Who will attend?
What will they expect to get out of the conference?

Where will it be held (what city)?
What venue in that city. Find a convention center, hotel, museum or art center to hold it in.
Where you hold it may influence the look and feel.

What is the concept? The Big Idea?
Name of the Conference
Write 3 -5 sentences about your conference.

Develop a concept around this things brainstorm words that can capture, expand, twist your thread. Start with these … expansion, expanding, unfold, unravel, extend, distend, broaden, develop, multiply, disjoin, combine, reveal ... or any other words
What 2 words could you put together to make a thread?

*you must present 6 different ideas for the WHAT section. 6 names, 6 taglines, 6 short paragraphs, 6 concepts/big ideas. 3 words for each concept (words that help find visuals)
The WHO and WHERE are the same for all 6 WHATS.

Take your final 6 names and tag lines and try each of them in 10 different fonts.
name at least 72pts tall and tagline 24pts tall. try them in any style reg, bold, italic, all caps…
not only looking at the font but also how to design the title and tagline work together.
*play, explore… you are not just typing out the word and changing the font. how does how you use the font create an dynamic type lockup?

POST ALL OF THE ABOVE TO THE GOOGLE DRIVE be prepared to present it.

Disciplinarities and Digital Scholarship

Converge encourages design educators, design researchers, and designers to take advantage of opportunities in digital scholarship, learn how to collaborate on interdisciplinary projects, and find new intersections within their existing research trajectories. To redefine what it means to be a designer and a design researcher today, we ask: How can design converge with digital scholarship in more than a superficial way? How might aspects of digital scholarship impact design research? What are the key questions at the intersection of design and the humanities?

RGD DesignThinkers 2015 Conference
Converge. Inspire. Transform.
RGD DesignThinkers, Canada's largest annual conference for the communication design industry, is a two-day event where International and Canadian creative visual communicators converge in downtown Toronto. Registrants have the opportunity to attend high-profile speaker presentations, panel discussions, network with colleagues, attend workshops and participate in a variety of other programs related to the design industry.

"Converge. Inspire. Transform” became the tagline for the event. “Converge", because of people coming together physically at one location with unity of purpose. “Inspire", because of the exchange of new ideas and ways of thinking. And lastly, “transform” because of emotional or intellectual change after attending the conference. Visually, we wanted the branding to encapsulate the digital feel of data but in contrast to something tactile and hand-crafted. To this end we executed the visuals by moving between making things by hand and finishing them off in the computer or by generating assets off the computer and finishing them by hand.
*Converge and Transform gives you visual cues on the visual direction of the conference. If you use the word inspire then you better make something that looks inspired!

Nuts + Bolts
Tightening up classroom fundamentals, reinforcing careers, and constructing the future of the discipline
Nuts + Bolts, a national AIGA Design Education conference for emerging and established design educators, administrators, students, and designers to strip away the mystique of academia and help build a solid foundational knowledge of discipline specific teaching methods.

*LULU: Workbook project you need to be ready to send to LULU by April 9 to get it by the review without having to pay extra shipping. Wil go over how to send to LULU on April 9 in class so be ready.

Monday, April 9
You should have you concept if not you are very behind.
How can your concept become visual?

This is should be fun! You get to dream/explore/combine how your concept becomes visual.

Exploration of the Moodboard/Toolkit
. You are exploring the visual language of the system for the conference. You can use things you have made or examples you find (you will make your own visuals). You are looking for reference, inspiration, look and feel…

Moodboard/Toolkit includes:
__ typography, font, styles, how it will be used.. 1 | 2 |
__ color palette: define a palette and how you will use it/ overlay. pure. bold. soft
__ images: what images would you use/objects, place... no headshots of speakers for this part
__ images manipulation… full color, bw, bitmapped, juxtaposed/collage...

optional for moodboard/toolkit patterns / icons

__ patterns/textures: if you are using them what do they look like?
__ icons if you were going to use them what is the style?

Print out the 3 different directions on 11 x 17.
Understand this before you leave class!
You need to explore 3 completely different toolkits for the same concept.
1 concept with 3 different ways to show the concept visually.

The world is open to any visual but it has to go with your concept. You are not making any deliverables/you are just setting up the toolkit.

You will refer to a moodboard/toolkit when it is time to make a brochure, name tag, banner... you will know what your visual direction should look like. For the toolkit you are only pulling examples of what you want things to look like. What you can make if if you need to show how you would use color, manipulate form, maniplulate photos... If you can't find what you want things to look like then you do have to make the part.

Wednesday, April 11
work in class on kinetic design solution

PROCESS BOOK (i am not pregrading this one, you need to show us in class for feedback and you should be able to make a great one by now -- take it seriously)
Designed as a multi-page book (not a presentataion on the screen) be senistive to type sizes in an book 18 is huge. Type size is typically 9pt /12 point leading! Headers could be 14 - 18pt. LOOK at your typography and make it nice.

PHASE 4: Exploring the Kinetic System
(print out in color on 11x17)

refine logo type / lock-up how are using typography for the title and tagline of your conference.

If your moodboard/toolkits were not comprehensive enough and/or they did not have a concept to them you need to redo the 3 moodboards.

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE a CONCEPT. Title, Tagline, blurb and moodboards all should have a concept around them!

Explore 6 different design directions. You are now using your any of your toolkits to explore how these things actually look like. These are rough sketches of what the design can look like in 3 different formats. USE THIS ILLUSTRATOR FILE. Your are exploring. Freely exploring your toolkit. Do not get stiff and conservative. The only wrong answer is to not explore.

For the 6 different design directions. Remember the range you had in the last project where you designed very close to a style, to just the likeness (distant relative) to something in between. Looking for range in the 6 different solutions.

Each of the 6 design directions is shown in 3 different proportions. (another wording of the same thing: 6 differnt design directions each with 3 different formats. A kinetic system is not a cookie cutter solution. It means you are not just scaling things to fit into the next format. How can you change the proportions of the items to make a system? The 3 formats within the 1 solution are not range per se they are change in form/format/hierarchy, they are pushing the directions, cutting it up, changint it up, changing the proprtion. They are not a new idea. Make sure you are really clear on this!

Make sure yo understand kinetic system before you start. If you come in with the same thing over and over on class on Monday you will not get any feedback and you will be behind.

Examples of Kinetic Brand Systems: use these purely to understand the Kinetic System:
Brand New
Mother NY on designing the AIGA Conference
Serealist Festival
Whitney (responsive branding)

Monday, April 16
present your 34 sketches and your 6 different design directions printed out 11x17 color
plan out 2 sided poster. tape sheets together to make 24 x 36

Based on the class crit pick your design direction and design
6 different conference poster fronts and backs (sketches not fussy designs ye, but you have to use REAL text)

Use REAL information: real names, city, bio... you can use random headshots)


Wednesday, April 18


Your are exploring how to capture your concept visually and in an interesting way. Do not get stiff and conservative. The only wrong answer is to not explore.

For the 6 different design directions. Remember RANGE

A kinetic system is not a cookie cutter solution. It means you are not just scaling things to fit into the next format. How can you change the proportions of the items to make a system? The 3 formats within the 1 solution are not range per se they are change in form/ format/ hierarchy, they are pushing the directions, cutting it up, changint it up, changing the proprtion. They are not a new idea. Make sure you are really clear on this!

PRINT OUT in Color on 11x17 pin up for class crit.

Monday, April 23

Refine and Design in a Kinectic system
Conference Poster: (front and back)
City Banners (templates, you can find your own or use these, strong vertical orientation)
Billboard or Poster in context (use these or find own)
Name tags (3 different ones see below) make them
Tote bag (find a mock up)

it is required content not optional. you can add but you can’t subtract. see below.

Wednesday, April 25
crit all of the above.
must be a kinetic system
must have great type (some of you are creating a HUGE disadvantage by making too small of a brochure you are confusing a conference brochure with a conference mailer.) make a lovely brochure)

Monday, April 30

Print portion of the project is DUE! beginning of class.

Create a series of 13 x 19 boards to show off this project.
Minimum 3 boards. Printed on the Epson.
— Conference Name, Tagline 3 - 5 sentences about it
— Conference Brochure (on your board AND comped up — you have to make it)
— City Banners (4-color)
— Billboard or Poster in context (4-color)
— Name tags (3 different ones) (2-color) (make 1 of the 3)
— Tote bag (1-color)

The rest of the semester we will work on motion:
Speaker Bumper + Animated Instagram (gif)


No. of pages: min 12 pages/ max 24 pages. *pages are not spreads.
Size: you determine the size. no smaller than 4 x 5. You will explore at least 3 different sizes.
Trim and fold to:
Color: 4-color
Paper: you determine. test papers that you want to use
Grid: establish a grid that works for your document size
number of pages has to be divided by 4 (why?)
column width is determined by your type size

_ Title, tagline, When, Where (meaning city)
_ About the conference +
_ 6 speakers include Name, twitter handle, name of the talk and short desciption of the talk at least 5 sentances + a quote from the talk (look at the transcripts)
_ Schedule

day 1
5:30pm - 7:00pm Registration/Happy Hour
7:00pm - 8:30pm Keynote Speaker (1)
day 2
7:30am – 9:00am Registration Open / Continental Breakfast
9:00 Welcome!
9:30 am — 10:20 am Speaker (2)
10:30 am – 11:20am Speaker (3)
11:30 am – 1:30pm LUNCH
1:30 am — 2:20 am Speaker (4)
2:30 am – 3:20am Speaker (5)
3:30pm – 4:00pm BREAK
4:00pm – 5:15pm Speaker (5)

CITY BANNERS in the city / outside the venue /
— Graphic
— Title, tagline
— they are VERTICAL in format, find examples of templates on the server

BILLBOARD OR Large POSTER in context
— Graphic
— Title, tagline
— 2 -3 sentences about the conference
— When
— Where (venue not city)

name tags needs to clearly identify that they are part of the conference, tag has to have the person’s name and there are different access to different people so you have to clearly identify a guest, presenter or staff. You will need a design that can be manipulated into 3 different clear solutions for..
1) a name tag for the Presenter
2) a name tag for the Staff
3) a name tag that is for the Attendees

— Graphic
— Title, tagline
— Status: Presenter, Staff or guest
— Name of the person
— Where they are from
— Tags can only be 2-color (2 per tag, but the 2 colors don't have to be same for all "status")
— Size and how they work is up to you. Typically they are worn around the neck

Every conference as a gift bag you need to design a 1 color tote bag
— Graphic may include the the Title, Tagline if you want.
— 1-color