visual communication
Typographic Systems


  : syllabus :: first day :: workbook :: journal :: class blog ::

:- I love Typography
:- Typotheque
:- Ministry of Type
:- Type Theory
:- Typographcia
:- Typography Served
:- Typophile

:- Typography is...
:- Font Conference
:- Trajan is the movie font
:- Type Culture Movies
:- Type with feeling

:- Gordan Young
:- Periodic Table of Type
:- 21 unexpected alphabets

Type Classifications
:- Type Culture
:- Type classifications by Hoefler
:- Evolution of Type
:- Typography Heros

Vernacular Type
:- circus and swoosh
:- retro and vintage
:- type in brooklyn {aiga article
:- center for vernacular type
:- douglas wilson

Handmade, Buy, Make
:- dropcap daily
:- handmade fonts
:- hand drawn font {aiga article
:- design it your self font design
:- 26 types of animals








::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PARAGRAPH BREAKS

Paragraph breaks set a rhythm for the reader. The breaks have a relationship with the column of text as well as the page margins. A break may be introduced as an indentation, as a space or both. The over all page feel will be influenced by your choice.

In typography there are 4 rules regarding paragraph breaks:
1. first line at the beginning of an article should be flush left (do not indent first paragraph)
2. block paragraphs are flush left and are separated by extra leading not a full return
3. the amount indent is = to the leading (sometimes needs a bit more)
4. never hit two returns between paragraphs

explore at least 10 different ways to show that there are 3 paragraphs. The investigation should be of NEW and DIFFERENT ways to show a paragraph break. Begin with 8.5/12 as a baseline size and leading. You may make text smaller or larger to show a new paragraph.

explore only how to show a paragraph break NOT how to alter layouts. {There is a big difference}. All solutions should be legible, clear and interesting.

Correct the text below before you begin; dashes, quotations marks, apostrophes, italic title of newspaper, superscript, accent marks: libertŕ. Mallarmé use this text for your assignment (first correct the text before duplicating it)

Futurism was first announced on February 20, 1909, when the Paris newspaper Le Figaro published a manifesto by the Italian poet and editor Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. The name Futurism, coined by Marinetti, reflected his emphasis on discarding what he conceived to be the static and irrelevant art of the past and celebrating change, originality, and innovation in culture and society.1 Futurism rejected traditions and glorified contemporary life, mainly by emphasizing two dominant themes, the machine and motion. The manifesto's rhetoric was passionately bombastic; its tone was aggressive and inflammatory and was purposely intended to inspire public anger and amazement, to arouse controversy, and to attract widespread attention.

But is is the movements which survive, oddly, here where we live and work as poets and artists: or, if not the movements, then their sense of art as an life itself. All of which, as futurism, had come sharply into focus by the start of the world war: a first radical mix of art and life, the epitome in the poplar mind of an avant-garde. It was, on both its Russian & Italian sides, the first great "art" movement led by poets; and if its means now sometimes seem exaggerated or unripe in retrospect, they carry within them the seed of all that we were later to become.

While Marinetti's opening manifesto for Italian Futurism bristled with a polemical stance in favor of the transformed present (1909), the later manifestos of Futurist poets and artists offered formal, "technical" approaches to the works then getting under way. The key term--still resonant today--was parole in liberta2, by which poetry was to become "an uninterrupted sequence of new images… (a) strict bet of images or analogies, to be cast into the mysterious sea of phenomena." This freedom-of-the-world, while it resembled other forms of collage and of image juxtaposition, more fully explored the use of innovative and expressive typography in the visual presentation of language, as set in motion by forerunners like Mallarme. Outrageous and aggressive, the Futurists' performances mixed declamation and gesture, events and surroundings, indifference and engagement, to break the barriers between themselves and those who came to jeer or cheer them. Wrote Marinetti selbst3 (circa 1915), "Everything of any value is theatrical."


Please make sure all the following information is on the page {do not crowd the pages.
-- x-height comparison
-- name of font
-- designer’s name
-- body copy all set to 9/12

It is critical that you see the same size fonts, leading and column width. Only change the font in the example no other settings should change.

notes: After you have made the comparison. Look carefully how the x-height, stroke weight and character width effect the color of the type. Also note how the visual size of the type faces that are the same size do not appear the same size. Is there a difference in readability? Describe the font its x-height, character width and color.

copy and paste this copy to use in your assignment...

Futurism was first announced on February 20, 1909, when the Paris newspaper Le Figaro published a manifesto by the Italian poet and editor Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. The name Futurism, coined by Marinetti, reflected his emphasis on discarding what he conceived to be the static and irrelevant art of the past and celebrating change, originality, and innovation in culture and society. Futurism rejected traditions and glorified contemporary life, mainly by emphasizing two dominant themes, the machine and motion. The works were characterized by the depiction of several successive actions of a subject at the same time. Marinetti’s manifesto glorified the new technology of the automobile and the beauty of its speed, power, and movement. He exalted violence and conflict and called for the sweeping repudiation of traditional cultural, social, and political values and the destruction of such cultural institutions as museums and libraries.

-- name of font
-- classification
-- designer’s name
-- notes (see above)


When combining serif and sans serif text fonts, one shroud try and match the characteristics of form and type color: proportion, x-heights.

“There is not binding recipe for type combinations. It is a matter of typographic sensitivity and experience. Expert typographers, as well as careless amateurs permit themselves combinations that would horrify colleagues with more traditional sympathies.”

Although there is not recipe there is a place to start: keep an eye on the characteristic shapes of the letterform. A well designed page contains no more than two different typefaces or four different type variations such as type size and bold or italic style. {Using 2 different serif fonts or 2 different sans serifs fonts in the same composition is never a good idea}

Try 10 different type combinations.

Write down the font in the combination. Why you think that particular font works well with the other and any changes you made to make the fonts combine “well”.