Visual Communication
portfolio class



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"A portfolio is a design problem."



Presenting | AIGA ARTICLE |
Writing your resume

Top Mistakes | AIGA ARTICLE |

:- Top 10 Coverletter Tips
:- Coverletters made simple
:- 6 ways to bomb an interview
:- 3 steps to a successful interview
:- What motivates you
:- Why do you want to work here
:- Interview Pointers
:- Six Answers
:- Avoid non-verbal mistakes



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Q +A: Carrie Kish

Art Director, Bungalow Creative, Kansas City

How can we promote ourselves besides the portfolio:
ck: Send an enticing/creative letter, follow-up with an email and reference the letter.
example: One student sent an A6 envelope with four cards of interesting crops of his work, then the last card just had a brief introduction about himself, he followed up with an email...after a correspondence of emails he called.

Do you like to see samples of work before the interview?
ck: Yes. Usually email a pdf for consideration.

Should we send samples ahead of the interview, should it be a pdf, booklet.
ck: Either. If you are mailing--send a booklet or other creative way to show your work, show at least four samples of your strong type skills, color theory and the idea that brings the two together. As for a variety maybe show logo design, packaging, layout skills. Please do not send cd's or dvd's unless you want to show interactive work.

How can students promote themselves besides the portfolio?
ck: Mailing usually works for me, i love to receive creative well designed and interesting pieces that get your foot in the door---

What are 5 - 10 top mistakes people do before and interview, during and after?

1. Don't just come in to the office and interrupt our workflow.
2. Demanding a response by leaving a message to call you back.
3. Be persistent, but understand the line between overbearing.

1. Be prepared, do your research--Why do you want to work here?
2. Show confidence in describing your work, it shows you know what you are doing.
Be able to talk about work if the creative director has questions as far as why did you choose that font?
3. Although you sent us a resume, please bring another.
4. Dress appropriately, not to casual but also not to dressed-up.(Again do your research
we are a casual creative environment, we would want you to dress creatively.
Although some designers are too creative and it distracts us from the work. )
5. Proper etiquette--introduce yourself with a handshake
6. Leave the interview, with a verbal thank you for your time and get a time-frame
as far as when they will make the decision.

1. follow-up with a thank you note--mailed.
2. email
3. phone call

Should they leave something behind after the interview or send it later with the thank you note?
ck: Both. A leave behind is always a good way to stay fresh in their minds, it also shows
that you took the extra step to make them a "gift"

What do you look for in a junior designer?
ck: GREAT type skills and good communication skills.

What do you think they should know and what do you know they will have to learn on the job?
KNOW: typography, concepting, color theory, pre-press.
LEARN: collaboration, pre-press, ink + paper techniques

Are their any steps that a student should take that are not part of KU's curriculum that would give me more opportunities after graduation or would make them more employable.
ck: Become an AIGA member--you make great contacts, they have a great job bank on the website and they promote great design business standards/ethics.
