visual communication


  associated word list, graph and to suggest | audience persona | concept statement

__ Creating a Profile (worksheet)
__ Chapter Reading
__ Write a winning presentation

for many examples of concept statements, audience profiles and to design objective and to suggest go to this link and click on any student's webstite and you can read what was written for the project and see how it all relates to the look and feel.
_ flash projects








Associated Word List +...
Use a dictionary, thesaurus you may also use visual thesuraus.

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ASSOCIATED WORD LIST: Begin by brainstorming about your topic/product and think of all the words associated with your topic or product. Words that evoke emotion, provide a visual when read, set the tone in time, place, genre, also think of contrasting words/the opposites. Don't edit just keep writing until you have at least 50 words.

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KEY WORDS: Look at your associated word list critically. Select words off your associated word list that you think feel support what you want your design to look and feel. Define them. Keep your definitions infront of you when you are wrting your concepts statement.

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TONE/MODEL: Take these opposites or create your own and graph where do you want your design to be associated think of each word as the end of a range where do you want your design to fall.

east _ _ + _ _ west (eastern/western or east coast west coast)
organic _ _ + _ _ high–tech
minimal _ _ + _ _ ornamental
retro _ _ + _ _ contemporary / vintage _ _ + _ _ futuristic / nostagic _ _ + _ _ contemporary
unrefined/rough _ _ + _ _ clean/sophisticated
machine made _ _ + _ _handmade
traditional _ _ + _ _non-traditional
complex _ _ + _ _easy

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Create a to suggest list about your objectives you can think if them in terms of what you want to communicate as well as how you want it to look. To suggest should be a phase not just a word. Look back at your associated word list, key words, and graphs...

To suggest...
to suggest that craft time can be easy
to suggest that a hands-on activity can be fun
to suggest that anyone can a paper creation
to suggest that imagination is key with crafts
to suggest craft time as an alternative to video games or t.v.

To suggest...
to suggest a playful imagination
to suggest creativity
to suggest a sense of childhood & innocence
to suggest a sense of D.I.Y
to suggest a step by step adventure

To suggest...
to suggest Alice in Wonderland
to suggest 1920's adventure game
to suggest walking into an antique shop.
to suggest wanting to reach out an touch i
to suggest stepping into a new world.