visual communication
VISC 302


  :: syllabus :: banned book list
:: p1: workbook :: p2 logotype :: p3: bookcovers :: p4: conference ::

Professor: Andrea Herstowski
Office: 317 Marvin Hall
Office hours: by appointment

Professor: Alex Anderson
Office: 353 Marvin Hall
Office hours: by appointment

:: Research
:- Thinking with Type
:- Typotheque
:- Type Cultur
:- Visual Thesaurus
:- Type Base

:: Short films :: Audio
:- films by Hillman Curtis
:- Type Radio








-- Famous First Page
-- Typographic Color
-- The End of the River
-- Tab it

The End of the River
-> use this file to get started

Justify text only if the line is long enough to prevent awkward and inconsistent word spacing. The only time you can safely justify text is if your type is small enough and your line is long enough, as in books where the text goes all the way across the page. If your line is shorter, as in newsletter, or if you don't have many words on the line, than as the type aligns to the margins the words space themselves to accommodate it. It usually looks awkward. You've seen newspaper columns where all text is justified, often with a word stretching all the way across the column, or a little word on either side of the column with a big gap in the middle. Gross. But that's what can happen with justified type. When you do it, the effect might not be as radical as the newspaper column, but if your lines are relatively short, you will inevitably end up with uncomfortable gaps in some lines, while other lines will be all squished together.

-- use one size, one leading, and the 2 different column widths in the document.
-- make sure you turn HYPENATION on. You have to hyphenate justified text.
-- JUSTIFIY the text. All you are changing is the Justification setting in InDesign.
-- The goal is to find a setting that has a comfortable wordspace and letterspace.
-- Try 4 different settings using one SERIF font, try the same settings with a SANS SERIF (8 total)

* your goal is to find a setting that lessens the amout of rivers in the text.

a. change the min, desired, maximum numbers
b. write down the numbers for each setting
i. write down what the problems are ie. too large wordspacing, too tight...