Visual Communication
portfolio class



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"A portfolio is a design problem."



Presenting | AIGA ARTICLE |
Writing your resume

Top Mistakes | AIGA ARTICLE |

:- Top 10 Coverletter Tips
:- Coverletters made simple
:- 6 ways to bomb an interview
:- 3 steps to a successful interview
:- What motivates you
:- Why do you want to work here
:- Interview Pointers
:- Six Answers
:- Avoid non-verbal mistakes



back to tips page
examples of coverletters...
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Dear StudioH:

Dear Erin Mills,
To be honest with you, this letter never would have reached your desk (I’d never have written it) had you not spoken at our Prototype meeting last month. Between your video clip and all the heartwarming things you said about what it’s like to work at Hallmark, I found myself overwhelmingly inspired to apply for one of your creative summer internships.

I actually have a great little personal anecdote that far better illustrates what your company means to me. About six months ago, I met a beautiful girl and, for lack of a better term, fell head-over-heels for her. I wanted nothing more than to tell her the million wonderful things that often ran through my mind, but as shy as I was, I just couldn’t say it to her face. So, when Valentine’s Day came along, I spent hours translating my jumbled thoughts from my head onto a tiny folded red piece of paper that I slid under her door. And although we never ended up together, I always felt that the words in that note allowed our friendship to flourish in ways it otherwise never would have. That alone says a remarkable deal about your company—a solid testament to the often-challenged notion that something as small as what’sexpressed on the inside of a greeting card can truly enrich someone’s life.

That’s what I consider Hallmark to be all about: communication, emotionally connecting
people, making lives better. As designer Stefan Sagmeister says, “Yes, design can make you happy.” I first realized this truth when I was in middle school, and have since developed a growing passion and affinity for both design and the philosophy that it can truly change the way people see things. Now in college, I feel like I’m at that point in my life where I have the greatest opportunity to use design as a medium through which to make a difference.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, and I look forward to hearing
from you soon. Have a wonderful afternoon.

Best regards,


